Thursday, July 28, 2011

Rule No. 1. Don't wear white to a wedding

Alex did a post last week on wedding etiquette, and one of the most important rules we all should know is to avoid wearing white to a wedding. It's the bride's day to shine, right? Well, we may all recognize this famous bridesmaid...

Yes, Pippa Middleton. But wait?! She is wearing white! After seeing Pippa at the Royal Wedding, my sister and I discussed how much we liked the look of her white bridesmaid dress. I started to look into this trend and actually found other brides who had gone this route! I love it! It's risky. It's daring. It's so refreshing! Take a look at these white and ivory bridesmaids dresses.

Okay. I'm obsessed with this. The bride is wearing blue shoes to differentiate herself via Pink Bridesmaid Dresses

These bridesmaids all opted for the same white dress via Weddingbee

Stark white not your style? You could go for a more ivory or beige tone and still achieve a similar look.

I love these ivory dresses from J.Crew via HitchedSalon

I love how different all these dresses are but how good it all looks together via Best Bridal Blog

So what do you think about this trend? I'm not gonna lie. I love it! I think it gives the wedding party such a clean and streamlined look. The key to pulling this trend off is to keep things simple and be sure it's still obvious who the bride is. Let me know what you think in the comments below.


Wednesday, July 27, 2011

What the hall?!

Now I'm not a homeowner, but I often find myself spending hours and hours daydreaming about what my perfect home would look like. I have ideas for how I would want my kitchen, bedrooms, living room, and even bathrooms to look! One room I hadn't really given much thought to though was the hallway! Check out these interesting ways to decorate your hallway.

Love all the different frames and personal touches via Young House Love

Love the clean look of this white hallway, but the different white frames (without pictures!) add interest to the walls via flickr

Love the colors and the chalkboard via Design Sponge

Love the stripes and the touch of turquoise via pintrest

Obsessed with this graphic wallpaper and wide plank wood floors via Interiorly

What do you think of these hallways? How have you decorated yours?


Wasting Away Again in Margaritaville

Wednesday is my favorite day of the week. Not only is it hump day, but I get to spend every Wednesday night with my best friends and some of their moms at a local Mexican restaurant where they serve $.99 margaritas for ladies all night! It's such a fun tradition that my friends' moms started while all their daughters were in college, and we were fortunate enough to get the invite once we all moved to Memphis after graduation. While the restaurant we go to is not actually called "Margaritaville," the moms decided years ago that that's what Wednesdays would be called. I look forward to it every week, and I'm hoping to continue this tradition for years to come!

While just a traditional margarita is my drink of choice, especially in this summer heat, I came across this fun twist on my favorite drink that would be so fun to serve at a party
(I won't judge if you just keep them stocked in your freezer though...I might)!

Strawberry Margarita Pops

Here's how it works:

  • Pour Mike's Hard Lemonade Strawberry Margarita into Dixie cups and let freeze for two hours (traditional margarita mix with tequila won't work cause the tequila won't freeze enough).
  • Insert popsicle sticks in the middle and freeze for two more hours.
  • Garnish with a lime and serve.
  • Don't salt until right before serving as the salt with start to melt the popsicle.

Oh, and for your men who may not want a fruity margarita pop, try these Corona popsicles (it's okay if you want one, too)! These are so easy! Make them just like you do the Strawberry Margarita Pops above--just use a Corona!

Corona Beer Pops

Both photos and recipes from Bakers Royale

Now that's what I call a fun summer treat!


Tuesday, July 26, 2011

A New Take on an Old Summer Pastime

My family spends a week every summer in Seaside, Florida. Seaside is a very nostalgic place that feels somewhat like you're stepping back in time. This summer there was a movie night in the town square where they projected a movie onto the side of a building, and people of all ages gathered with their lawn chairs, blankets, and snacks to enjoy a fun night of free entertainment. I got to thinking I could recreate this old summer pastime in my own backyard for my family and friends. You could, too!

Here's all you would need:

A Large Screen

Now there's a couple ways you could do this. You could call your local audio-visual rental store to get info for renting a projector and just use a white sheet to show the
movie on. Or you could use the large flat screen TV and DVD player you already have in your home and use an extension cord to bring it outside. Just be sure to check to make sure there's no rain in the forecast! Love the look of this backyard setup as featured on Miss Design.


Lawn chairs and blankets like these featured on Design Sponge (to left) are a great, inexpensive option for seating. You could even tell your guests to bring their own (of course have extras for those who forget)! Or you could get a little more creative and use this idea of lining up hay bales! How cute!


Food and drinks are a necessity for any outdoor movie party. You could be as creative as you want. Stock up on movie theater candy at your local drugstore, and of course have lots and lots of popcorn ready to serve! You could even order 100 of these carnival style popcorn boxes for only $15.95!
Serve beer, wine, and soft drinks in an iced bucket to enjoy while watching the movie as featured on Unstitched Blog.

What better way to end the summer than to invite all your friends over for a fun outdoor movie night? Feel free to share your ideas of what you would include at your own backyard soiree in the comments below. Oh, and most importantly, don't forget to choose a great movie everyone will enjoy! Right now I would have to pick...

Order from Amazon


Monday, July 25, 2011

Fantasy Date

Bora Bora

Hey, Readers! As you know, Alex has left us all this week to head to the beautiful Playa del Carmen. I know we're all jealous! My name is Whitney, and I was beyond thrilled when Alex asked me to be her guest blogger while she is out of the country. I have been an avid blog reader for years, but I've never been brave enough to start my own blog. So I am especially excited to try my hand at it this week. Hopefully I can pull it off! While we might not be in Playa del Carmen this week, we at least have one of my favorite guilty pleasure tv shows tonight--The Bachelorette! Tonight is the overnight dates, and I always love to see what exotic location they visit. One of my favorite places the show has taken the contestants for the overnight dates was Ali Fedotowsky's season when they stayed in the overwater bungalows in Bora Bora. Take a look at these pictures from the Four Seasons Resort Bora Bora.

Overwater bungalows in Bora Bora

Romantic bedroom that opens onto deck

Open living space with ocean view

Deck from bungalow overlooking the Pacific Ocean

Walkways between bungalows with beautiful mountain views

Relaxing and romantic spa

All pictures from Four Seasons Bora Bora

Want to create your own fantasy date like Ali? You can book the Romance Package starting at $975/night which includes:

  • A stay in a romantic overwater bungalow
  • A three-course romantic dinner with champagne and fresh flowers
  • 50-minute couple's massage
  • Welcome amenity package complete with local fruits and a bottle of wine
  • A customized spa treatment
  • Daily breakfast
  • Polynesian carved mother-of-pearl gift
  • Luxurious resort accomodations
  • Memories that will last a lifetime
So who's with me?! Let's go to Bora Bora! Can't wait to see where Ashley takes her final three suitors tonight in Fiji!


Saturday, July 23, 2011

What I'm Packing: Mexico

My boyfriend and I are leaving for Playa del Carmen, Mexico on Monday!  I was in Playa two years ago with some of my friends from college and we had a blast!  Playa del Carmen is in the Mayan Riviera on the Caribbean Ocean.  It started out as a small fishing town so it is very laid back- I love it! Take a look at some of the things I will be packing...

1. Nook Color 2. Bobbi Brown Pot Rouge for lips and cheeks (in Cabo Coral) is great for the beach! 3. JCrew Factory Solid Tank Dress in Papaya is an easy travel dress 4. Cozumel Tote 5. Isharya set of 6 brass plated bangles 6. Panama Hat 7. In addition to my aviators i'm taking these Versace sunglasses 8.The best suncreen ever! Clarins Spray Oil-Free Tanning Lotion SPF 15 9. Leather Capri Sandals 10. High-waisted swimsuit from Urban Outfitters

I will be gone until August 2nd, but my friend Whitney will be guest blogging! 

Have a great weekend!


Friday, July 22, 2011

Etiquette for a Wedding Guest

Guests from the Royal Wedding
I saw an interesting article on MSN today about the 15 Wedding Guest Dos and Don’ts.  I took some of their “rules” and added some of my own to share with you. Most of you will only have one wedding, but you will be attending a countless number… so pay attention!   

I understand the importance of this because I plan weddings, but I will admit that even I have forgotten to RSVP before the deadline.  The best way to avoid this is to reply as soon as you open the invitation. 

DON’T Assume You Can Bring a Date
You should not bring a date unless your invitation says “and guest”.  There is most likely a reason you did not get a plus one- it may be because the size of the venue or maybe their budget.  No matter what the reason is- do not call the bride or groom to ask if you can bring someone with you. 

DO Buy a Wedding Gift Early
Couples spend tons of time registering for gifts, which means they obviously intend to use those items.  Buy gifts early to make sure you aren’t stuck with the most random items.  Sometimes you can run into a problem however if the couple did not register for that many items.  In this case, use what you know about the couple to pick out something really special for them.  Do they love to camp and you know their tent is worn down?  Buy them one!  As long as you know it is something the couple will really enjoy and use I say go for it!

DON’T Bring a Large Gift to the Wedding
I see this all the time!  There is so much going on at the end of a wedding reception (taking down decorations, handing out vendor payment and tips, say goodbye, etc.) the last thing the bride, groom, and their family need to worry about is loading a ton of presents into their car.  Do them a favor and have the gift shipped directly to their new home.  Luckily, with more and more people having online registries it is super easy to ship directly to the couple.  Don’t want to ship the gift and they live near by? Drop the present off sometime before or after the wedding.

DO be on Time
Plan to arrive at the ceremony 20 or 30 minutes before the time that is indicated on the invitation.  Remember, you don’t want to be walking down the aisle with the bride. 

DON’T Crowd the Cake Table
When I first started doing weddings I was shocked at how adults act when the cake starts to be cut.  It becomes a feeding frenzy!  The cake cutter is working as fast as they can to get the cake to the guests so just be patient and let them get the pieces on the table.  Don’t be the person who stands next to them requesting the corner piece with icing.

DO Pay Attention to the Dress Code
You do not want to be underdressed.  If the invitation says black tie, women should be in a long formal gown or a very nice cocktail dress and the men should be in a tux.  Going to an outdoor wedding?  Women should still wear a nice dress or skirt and men in a casual suit. 

DON’T Wear White
This one should go without saying, but I still see it all the time.  This is the bride’s day so let her be the only one wearing white.  Also avoid light ivories, blues, and pinks just to be safe. 

DO Congratulate the Family
Since receiving lines are becoming a thing of the past take time to seek out the couple’s parents and introduce yourself, thank them, and tell them how much you are enjoying the wedding.

DO Party!
Brides and grooms have spent tons of time and money planning this wedding and they want people to have a good time.  Trust me, the last thing they want to see if an empty dance floor while their $8,000 band is playing.  Let loose and show the bride and groom you are there to celebrate!

DON’T Get Wasted
Yes, I know I just said Do Party but do it responsibly.  Enjoy the bar; don’t abuse it.  You do not want to be the guest who threw up all over the dance floor. 

DO Sign the Guestbook
Yes, it may seem cheesy, but the wedding is oftentimes a big blur for the couple, and they'll want to remember everyone who attended.

DON’T Talk Forever
Make a point of saying hello to the bride and groom, but keep your conversation short, so they can make their rounds and maybe even have time to get a bite or two of all that food they picked out! Oh, and speaking of chatting, refrain from complaining about how long it took you to get to the wedding or how awful the weather was during the ceremony; they don't need to hear it.

DO Stay Until the Formal Exit
If you are unsure if the couple is having a formal exit check with the wedding planner or one of the bridesmaids.  If you can, stick it out until the end.  No bride and groom want to have a sparkler exit with only 30 guests remaining. 


Thursday, July 21, 2011

Give Thanks

Handwritten notes are the only proper way to give thanks. You want to make sure that your stationary is as personal as the words you are writing.  Take a look at some of these beautiful options...

Gold Painted Stripes Thank You Card from Rifle Paper Co.
I adore these Thank You Flat Notecards in Rainbow Colors! - Set of 8 $14.00 from Sparrow Nest Script
Personalized Peacock Cards  $90.00-140.00
Atticus Paper "Jaipur" Notes & Envelopes $245.00-283.00
John Derian 10 "Maze" Cards with Envelopes  $60.00
Bernard Maisner Set of Eight Assorted Watercolor Notes with Envelopes $100.00


Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Why Blog?

Gone with the Wind

I’ve realized that I enjoy blogging and pinning because it is almost my “coming of age” party for myself.  I know this may sound crazy to some of you, but I will try to explain.  I am realizing that I am finally at a place where I am no longer clinging on to some stereotype of what a southern woman should be or what she should like.  Honestly, I'm almost embarrassed to look back on my early college years. Who was I trying to be and what in the hell was I wearing?!  I guess that is what your college years are for, right?  Exploration?  Realizing that everything you own doesn’t have to be monogrammed, your curtains don’t have to be toile, and you most certainly don’t have to have a pair of damn pearls in your ears.  I am at a place where I don’t feel like I have to apologize for loving what I love and it feels great.  So thank you to all of you who encourage me to be creative, because I am feeling more myself than ever! And thank you to everyone who reads my blog and enjoys looking at things I love.


Monday, July 18, 2011

What's Your Number?

Lulu Frost is a jewelry brand that was founded by designer Lisa Salzer.  Her stuff is seriously beautiful. I am especially loving the CODE line which features customizable rings, necklaces, and earrings.  “Over the years of selling Plaza numbers world-wide, I’ve realized how strongly people attach meaning and importance to numbers. I’ve heard hundreds of stories behind why people love certain numbers, from the mundane to the creative,” says Lisa.  Wear your lucky number, your anniversary, or even the number of kids you have!  Whatever your number is- the CODE line definitely has something special for everyone. 

Stack the rings (as seen above) and layer the necklaces to make a strong statement.

Are you loving these pieces? I definitely am!


Friday, July 15, 2011

Raising the Bar: Part 4

From top left: Pedra Coasters from Calypso St. Barth $58.00, Assortment of glassware from, Lily Pulitzer O'hara Bar Cart $1,500, Lacquered serving trays from Plantation Design $160 each, Graffiti Cocktail Shaker from All Modern $25.00, Raw crystal bottle stoppers from $55.00, Colorful stemware assortment from Leonardo, Hexagon champagne bucket $225.00

Have a great weekend! Hope you enjoyed the Raising the bar series this week!


Happy Hour: Cool-Down Cocktails

If you have visited my twitter lately you have probably seen some of my friends and I gushing over these delicious looking cocktails we found via pinterest.  They are both perfect to help beat the summer heat and SUPER easy!  

Via Southern Living
Prosecco & Popsicles:

Turn a popsicle upside down in a stemmed glass and just add prosecco, champagne, or your favorite sparkling wine.  How easy is that?

Via Real Simple

Lime-Sorbet Margaritas:

lime, cut into 8 wedges
1/4 cup sugar
pints lime sorbet
1/2 cup tequila

1. Rub the lime wedges around the rims of 8 stemmed glasses. Place the sugar on a small plate. Turn each glass upside down and dip the rims in the sugar to coat.
2. Place 2 scoops of sorbet in each glass and pour 1 tablespoon of tequila over the top of each. Serve with a spoon.


Thursday, July 14, 2011

Raising the Bar: Part 3

The most important ingredient of a home bar is, of course, the liquor and mixers.  Being the queen of cocktails does not mean you have the largest variety of flavored vodkas or every cordial ever created. You simply need the basics.  To make sure you are properly stocked I am providing a list of the essential liquors and mixers you will need to make all the classics.

The Liquors
For sidecars, brandy milk punches, crustas, daisies, and smashes.
White Rum
For daiquiris and mojitos
For martinis, gin and tonics, Tom Colinses, etc.
For Manhattans, old fashioneds, and whiskey sours.
The workhorse of the liquor cabinet, used in basic drinks such as vodka tonics, screwdrivers, and the vodka martini.
For margaritas, sunrises, and palomas.  The best tequilas are made from 100% agave.

The Mixers
A bar essential--clean, full of natural orange flavor, and not too sweet.
Red vermouth
For Manhattans
White Vermouth
Essential for truly sublime martinis
Bitters are used not to make the drink taste bitter but to help other flavors blend.

This list Via

Hope you find this list as helpful as I did!


Happy Hour: Butter Beer

Sooooo I may have misled you when I said "Happy Hour" because this recipe doesn't have any alcohol, but it will definitely make you happy!  In honor of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 I wanted to share a recipe for Butter Beer!

1 pint of vanilla ice cream, softened
1/2 stick (4 tablespoons) butter, at room temperature
1/3 cup light brown sugar
2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon ground nutmeg
1/4 teaspoon ground cloves
1 bottle (24 oz.) vanilla cream soda (very cold)

1. Allow ice cream to soften, about 30 minutes, and bring butter to room temperature, about 2 hours
2. Blend butter, sugar, and spices in large bowl
3. Add to ice cream and freeze
4. Heat cream soda in a pot until warm but still carbonated (at least 3 minutes).  You could also just go with the very cold cream soda (my preference) and have a more frozen/slushy drink.
5. Fill each glass with a scoop of ice cream mixture and pour warmed or chilled cream soda over ice cream
6. Serve!
I hope you enjoy!
