Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Why Blog?

Gone with the Wind

I’ve realized that I enjoy blogging and pinning because it is almost my “coming of age” party for myself.  I know this may sound crazy to some of you, but I will try to explain.  I am realizing that I am finally at a place where I am no longer clinging on to some stereotype of what a southern woman should be or what she should like.  Honestly, I'm almost embarrassed to look back on my early college years. Who was I trying to be and what in the hell was I wearing?!  I guess that is what your college years are for, right?  Exploration?  Realizing that everything you own doesn’t have to be monogrammed, your curtains don’t have to be toile, and you most certainly don’t have to have a pair of damn pearls in your ears.  I am at a place where I don’t feel like I have to apologize for loving what I love and it feels great.  So thank you to all of you who encourage me to be creative, because I am feeling more myself than ever! And thank you to everyone who reads my blog and enjoys looking at things I love.
